When people move to a new country for work, it’s important to understand and appreciate the local culture. In Hungary, learning about local customs and traditions can help expats make friends and succeed in their new environment. Many people from different countries are moving to Hungary because of its high quality of life, affordable housing, and good services.
Number of foreign citizens in Hungary as of January 1, 2024, by county
As shown in the above graph, 5% of the people living in Budapest are from another country.
How Can Expats Adjust Smoothly?
For expats starting a new life in Hungary, knowing about the local culture is very important. Language service providers, like iCan Solutions, help people learn the language and understand the culture better. This article talks about how these providers can support expats on their journey to learning Hungarian and fitting into their new home.
Learning About Culture?
The professional team of iCan helps expats by teaching them about Hungarian customs and social habits. Understanding these things allows newcomers to adapt, make friends, and avoid misunderstandings. Being aware of local culture leads to a more friendly and welcoming experience.
Learning the Language
We provide special programs tailored for expats. For example, our „Hungarian Survivor” course teaches important phrases for everyday activities, like greetings, shopping, and using public transport. This helps newcomers feel more comfortable in their new environment.
While many companies in Hungary use English, knowing some basic Hungarian words can impress local people. When a foreigner tries to speak Hungarian, especially since it can be a tricky language, locals will appreciate their effort.
At iCan Solutions, we believe that fitting in is not just about speaking the language but also understanding the culture. Our programs help expats learn both the language and the cultural lessons they need to get along well with others.